Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Tuesday Run

From the two schedules I have, looks like a ladder at the track for some, and 8 hills for others.  Whether you are coming out to run, to whine, to support, to eat or to make sure those who are able - are running - lets hope the booms, lights and water are  gone by 6:30!

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

It's Tuesday, and its Breda's Birthday!

Another stinking hot day, yet a beautiful, perfectly summer day.  A stellar day to celebrate a stellar lady - Breda Mcleod.  Today is Breda's birthday.  And its a BIG one!  

Breda, I know you can't be at Occasions today, but we can't let the day go by without celebrating YOU!  

Breda, you are a Leo and a Dragon, with a Ruby birthstone.  Power and beauty personified!  You like to surround yourself with plenty of happy people.  Clearly. You possess a remarkable athletic grace that is the envy of many.  Vigorous exercise is a favorite pastime for you, but is not a constant factor.  In other words, you, like the rest of us, run for the beer.

You have a natural talent for making money.  You embrace the entrepreneurial spirit and are always looking for an exciting new opportunity.  If you have one wish, it is that you are able to shine via the force of your personality.  You are a shining stellar Breda!

Breda, your birthday resolutions will have more power than usual this year, so think hard about what it is you most wish to accomplish then promise yourself that you will make it happen.  Do something special every single day.

Breda, on behalf of all stellars, have a FABULOUS DAY TODAY!

As for the rest, the schedules have 6x400's for some, 6 hills for others.  For Saturday it looks like you are running anywhere between 16-27k.  Below is a suggested route.  Have a fabulous week!
Saturday Run